What is financial abuse?
Financial abuse is when someone: |
All of these things are wrong. | |
Anyone could do this, including: | |
What is mate crime?
Mate crime is when people you think are your friends take advantage of you. |
Mate crime can be when: | |
Things to remember
Not all your friends want to take advantage of you. |
Your friends are probably good friends. | |
But it is ok to speak up if someone is not treating you fairly. | |
You have rights and people should believe what you tell them. | |
You might feel too scared to: | |
You might not know how to get help. | |
They might make it hard for you to tell anyone. | |
If financial abuse or mate crime happens, it is important to speak out. | |
You should tell someone you trust. |
Who can help you?
If you have been financially abused call the WA Police on 13 1444 |
An advocate is a person who can help you or speak up for you. If you would like support from an advocate, call People With disabilities WA on (08) 9420 7279 or 1800 193 331 |
If you want to make a complaint about a disability service, contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: 1800 035 544 |
If you want to report financial abuse, call the Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052 |
Gavin's Story
I live in a group home and, sometimes, I like to go out on my own with my mates, without my support workers. Matt has always been one of my best mates. But last year, he lost his job and, since then, he hasn't had much money. He started asking me to pay for everything. This was ok at first because I had some savings but now I haven't got much money left. One time, Matt took me out and he got really drunk, He left me in a hotel room by myself. I didn't know how to get home and I had to pay the bill. It was really expensive. My support workers were really worried when I didn't come home on time. I told them what happened. They spoke to my family and we've agreed that Matt can't take me out anymore. I'd still like to hang out with him so it's ok if he comes over to my house and we play video games. But he can't take me out to pubs or hotels, and I can't lend him any money. I feel much safer now. I'm glad I asked for help. |